Production: Purplefeather
Microfilm (1:48m)

Discover the power of transforming your own words

Directed by: David Lisbe
Microfilm (2:22m)


Direted by: Greg Glienna
Microfilm (3:38)

(english version)
Microfilm (1:34m)

Directed by: Radoslaw Sienski
Microfilm (2:01m)

Directed by: Kevin Mark Lacy
Microfilm (4:32m)

Directed by: Daniel Stedman
Microfilm (4:48m)

Best Short Film Winner Berlin Film Festival Teddy Award. Winner of New York Avignon Film Festival. Played Cannes. Cinequest. Sedona. Boston Toronto. Atlanta. Nashville. Sydney. Maine. Palm Springs.

Microfilm (pub): (0:30m)

Director: Simon Eustace
Microfilm: 2:54m

'The Perils of Internet Dating' is a fast paced, two-minute comedy with a surrealist twist. A guy and a girl experience the harsh, bizarre reality of online dating. But will they find each other in a sea of distressingly bad dates?


Directed: Luís Bizarro Borges
Microfim: 4:07m

Microfilm (0:32)

The words some times are more dangerous than anything else, so please do not be mean with the others. Remember that they have feelings too.

Microfilm (0:50)

Directed by:Jordan Lowrey
Microfilm (1:26)

Directed by:  Paul Griffith
Written by: Brice MacManamy
Microfilm (3:00)

Winner 2011 of the Once a Week Film Festival

Directed by:Jonathan Browning
  Microfilm (3:17m)

Grand Prix 2008
Festival International des Très Courts

Directed by:Phill & Olly
Microfilm (2:49m)

What would you do if a hole of opportunities came in your life?